Freshmen Orientation (FO) is SMU’s largest freshmen event, where freshmen get formally inducted into SMU. FO serves as a great opportunity for freshmen to mingle with peers from different schools and undergo a wide range of activities hosted by the FO Organising Committee.
The theme for this year’s Freshmen Orientation is ‘SMUtopia’. SMUtopia exists as a parallel world of SMU set within a nature-themed virtual game environment. In this world, nature and creatures are guarded by the Guardian Spirits — 4 important creatures who are the pinnacle of SMUtopia. The creatures live around the World Tree, a tree that protects all life in SMUtopia. However, a mysterious poison has infected the World Tree, which is slowly killing the plants in SMUtopia. To revive the World Tree and restore SMUtopia to its previously peaceful and balanced state, the Guardian Spirits have enlisted your help to embark on quests tied to SMU’s CIRCLE values to obtain potions to cure the World Tree and save SMUtopia.
Run 1: 9 - 11 July 2024
Run 2: 16- 18 July 2024
Run 3: 30 July - 1 Aug 2024
If you are an incoming freshmen, look out for our invitation in your school email account after matriculation for the sign-up link! Do follow us on our Instagram page @smufo2024 for more information. Take note that your spot is only confirmed when you receive an email confirming the details of your run. See you at SMUtopia!
For any questions regarding FO, please feel free to contact us at